
The artist Ainti sends us a sublime message of awakening through unique musicalities on his song “Rejoice”.

There are many ways to convey opinions in the story. If some use their talent in painting, their strength of conviction, or manipulation, more unique people use music to do so. Among these talented artists, we find the artist Ainti who stands out for his attributes as an emeritus composer. On a remarkable streak of leaving a mark through his music, Ainti invites his audience to discover the song “Rejoice” which is an impregnable masterpiece.

Rejoice” is a song that talks about the loyalty and blind commitment that anyone can have to a person without questioning. The piece covers the questions of conviction that we have towards these people who give us the guarantee of always serving our interests.

On a piece with a very distinguished theme, the artist offers us an excellent composition which does not fail to highlight his talent. The sounds produced by the drums and the guitar fit ideally well with the voice of the singer who adds a touch of emotion to this title.

Rejoice” will not fail to make you appreciate all the sonic connotations offered by Ainti.

Original review available on (French): L’artiste Ainti nous transmet un sublime message d’éveil à travers des musicalités uniques sur son morceau « Rejoice ».