In a musical world where originality is often drowned in an ocean of conformity, Ainti, aka Antonio Revuelta, emerges with his explosive single, “Rejoice”. This piece, the result of an introspective artistic approach, invites a deep reflection on human nature and the importance of questioning established norms.
Ainti is not a group, but a solo project, a personal vision of Antonio Revuelta who was able to merge his talents as a lyricist, producer, sound engineer and mixer to create a unique sound. Recorded in Revuelta’s Budapest apartment, featuring the captivating vocals of Iara Campello, “Rejoice” is a musical journey through an eclectic mix of genres, from electronic to trip-hop, rock and R&B.
“Rejoice” stands as a challenge to blind obedience and submission without question. The track explores themes of loyalty, authority, certainty and passion, warning of the dangers of blindly following leaders, even if they claim to act for our good. It is an invitation to celebrate our own ideas, to question more than to accept certainties.
The recording of “Rejoice” was done in atypical conditions, using a telephone suspended under the gallery of Revuelta’s apartment. This singular choice of production adds a raw and authentic dimension to the song, reinforcing its message of independence and originality.
“Rejoice” is a manifesto, a call to rebellion against conformity. Ainti, with this first achievement, promises us a rich and intrepid musical future. As Revuelta himself says, “Iara Campello and I took two days and many takes to come up with this record.” An effort that was well worth it for such a captivating and provocative result.
Original review available on (French): Ode Audacieuse À L’Individualité Avec Ainti Et “Rejoice”